jeudi 15 septembre 2011

Préface (approximative translation)

Dear internaute

Welcome to the magnificent blog of Seb’s adventures in New Zealand.

In this first article, I will explain briefly wo I am, Why I’ve created this ‘blog’, what I’m going to write, and the beginning of my trip in New Zealand, where I’m going for at least one year. Please note that I write first in destination of my family and my friends, so as to share my pictures, and maybe my adventures !

Who am I ?
My name is Sébastien. I have been called Little Seb for a long time, but I finally grew up. Then, I have been given the nickname of Henri, which, I fear, is going to stay…
I’m a student who never followed the normal way. I’ve travelled around the French education system, until I obtain a postgraduate degree in Finance of the University Paris IX. While the end seemed close, I decided to change direction.

An awesome idea ?
It appeared to me that before I find a real job, I would have to speak a fluent English. And for that, I couldn’t count on the university English classes. Thus, a stay in an English-speaking country would be a good thing. Besides, I’m pretty ok with the idea of travelling.
Given that I don’t do anything the normal way, I didn’t choose a organised trip in the comfortable environment of our brilliant universities, but I choose to directly find a New-Zealander university to finish my study.
I started to prepare the project : finding a appropriate study option, complete an application form, obtaining a good mark at the TOEFL, ask for a loan, etc…
Unfortunately, at the end of the summer, I had no admission for February 2012 (yea, they do differently there), and I have declined all opportunities of master 2 in Paris. So I decided to go, admission or not.

So, what am I gonna do ?
In a few weeks, I prepared the plan B. I’ve got the flying tickets, the visa, the insurance, and a place to live at the beginning.
The start will be in September, 24th, and I will arrive in Auckland the 25th at 11:30 pm.
The day after, I start a 3 month English class (English for university) in a school of the biggest city in New Zealand.
I will finish in December, 16th, which is the beginning of the summer there. I will have 2 month to visiting the island, hiking, making maori tatoos (I’m kidding), and discovering what’s interesting. Then, I don’t know !

For the following months (from February), three possibilities :
A – being accepted in a master degree that will start in February, for one year. Then I will be able to work, yeeepy !
B – finding an internship in NZ, or somewhere else (I must admit that I have a small idea.. again, a brilliant one), and flying back to France in order to start a Master in September 2012.
C – Starting a road trop through Asia !

Nothing is really sure in this story ! But the important thing was to leave, and the start is soon !

I hope to offer you beautiful pictures and, amazing stories !

See you very soon,


PS :
-Thank you to give me your opinion about the design, presentation etc. I’ll see what I could do.
-I practise censorship without complex. It’s better to adulate me to avoid it.
-My orthography is terrible, and my syntax fantasist (it’s worst in English !). Get used to it (in English in the original text).
-Damned, I forgot the fourth point.
-I mix French and English, that’s because I need to learn. Anyway, I do what I want.

3 commentaires:

  1. Même dans celui-là, j'ai trouvé une faute. J'en soupçonne quelques autres, mais je ne préfère pas trop m'avancer, mais pour une, j'en suis sûr. Vu mon niveau d'anglais, ça devrait t'inquiéter. Ou alors le Jean-Amadou anglais est passé par là...

    Bon, sinon, c'est agréable à lire, et c'est rare de lire des trucs intéressants en anglais, alors je t'encourage à continuer ! En plus j'ai presque tout compris, youhou !

  2. Merci c'est gentil ^^
    Je ne sais pas si j'aurais le courage de tout traduire, surtout que j'ai bien du mal ! Mais normalement ça devrait aller en s'améliorant...

  3. Et surtout... à quoi ça sert ? C'est vrai, je ne vois pas pourquoi ça serait toujours aux non-anglophones de faire des efforts ! Apprenez le français, c'est facile ! Même moi qui ne suis pas très doué en langue je le parlais déjà quand j'étais petit !
